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EMO TODO (Unofficial)

AI robot by LIVING.AI

EMO TODO (Unofficial)

Postby saradsmejem » 05 Sep 2023, 18:07


- Improve the EMO/Hi EMO speech recognition for younger voices.
- Improve face recognition.
- Improve the 3D detection of sound, make EMO be able to react to it autonously and reduce unnecessary movement when looking for people (it seems like he is going first the other way than the sound was going from).
- Optimize return to homestation, still a lot of unnecessary movements.
- More answers to questions (like How are You,), not only one.
- Replay what EMO heard function.
- Gesture recognizing and commands.
- Possibility to flip a coin and roll a dice on the skateboard and other (if he is on skateboard, no disable movement)
- Detect a ball and play with it.
- More personality by proactive asking for attention.
- Actively asking for help when being in an unmovable position.
- Option for Remote Camera / security concerns, but could be on/off turnable./
- Motion detection with alarm.
- Set timer for more than 99 seconds.
- Improved weather accuracy.
- UNO clone + other games.
- Goodnight phrase.
- Autonomouse reactions - say good morning in the morning by first view, say hello when see someone for the first time etc.
- Ability to Export EMOs identity.
- Say moon phase.
- Ability to read books - upload text file, that EMO will read.
- Manually set up sleep time.
- Cuddle function for kids - maybe "Lets cuddle" command that makes emo comfortable and happy when lying, for children to play with EMO like a doll or make it as a ROLE mod.
- Fist bump.
- Bring back randomly taking photos with on/off switch in the app and of course possibly with voice command
- Ability to record a video with sound.
- Fix repeating of jokes.
- FPV function with movement
- ROLES mod:
EMO will turn to a specific role for example:
Trainer: if turned on, EMO will do everyday exercises, u can program specific times and exercise and he will be doing it with you, count etc.
Baby: he behaves like a baby, he cries, smiles, making sound, stops being nwrvous when liyng etc. (children can play with him as a doll)
Teacher: he makes a lesson for children and teaches them something


- Reduce unnecessary disconnection of the app, random disconnections.
- Reduce the time of detection and connection to EMO.
- Wi-Fi networks Profiles with OPTION: Automatically connect (that we do not need always to manually connect to wi-fi networks when changing locations, visiting family/neighbours etc.)
- Console (under the arrow in the left upper corner will scroll down a console windows with all the extended history what EMO did and what he said with a line down, where we could write all voice commands - for example in case he refuses to understand or he is offline)
- more options (like setting colors) for the lights
- Interact section is not used there is only info and face recognition, which link is in the main interface of the app above emos head, change to Personality, where there would be enhanced settings for his behavior and personality (for example automatic photo on/off switch, parts of daily regime switches, ther should be more automatic daily activities with possibility to turn them on / off, sleep time settings etc.)
- Add txt to speech, what we write, emo will say.
- Add list of all facial expressions and EMO makes the expression I press it.
- Recognition section could be renamed to People and added more option to profiles not only Rename and Rescan, but manually add birthday and maybe later more info and increase number of profiles.
- Games section: Add all games that EMO is able to play, even with Roll a dice, Throw a coin etc...
- Utilities section: *How it should look in the App*
*** Pictures (better name than Photos, because now there are drawings too) *** Music (make it finally work) *** Text to Speech***
*** Alarm *** Timer *** Guard (Motion detection function) ***
*** Homestation *** Light *** (free place for more functions***)
- Achievements - Finalize them
- Upcoming - rename to Role section (see above EMO list)


- Be able to have a local server.
- Improve speech recognition.
- Full OFFLINE Daily schedule.
- Disable the requirement to be online for synchronizing pictures and adding face pictures!
- Merry Christmas for 24.12. - 26.12.
Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel BRUT.me a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!
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