by saradsmejem » 03 Jul 2024, 21:18
great to hear that You are one of these russians, who do not support this terroristic war regime, hope there are more Russians like YOu and You will be able to chnge Your country in a peaceful place. If YOu need any kind of help, we will support You.
The thing is that we are not afraid of Russia, nor your regime and we are not pussies, we are BRUT
. If we would be afraid, You would not be able to visit our website and all of our other services. We just do not want support the war and thus we blocked Your contry (besides some other terroristic regimes)-from our shooting FPS servers, to show the Russians that we strictly dislike their actions in the world and do not support any kind of killing. You can use all of our other services like other people from around the world (website, other gaming servers, radio, chats etc.). I understand that it is not fair to all Russians, because not everybody supports the war, but we had here a lot of Putin supporters...
Although I will think how can I make it more fair to innocent people, to be able to play even when they are in banned countries. What servers do You play?
PS: I moved Your question in a new topic in the appropriate forum section
Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!