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MUMBLE (Windows & MacOS App) Manual

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Technická Podpora, Info & Diskusia / Technical Support, Info & Discussion

BRUT.me MURMUR Voice Chat:

MUMBLE (Windows & MacOS App) Manual

Postby Brut » 13 Apr 2017, 23:45

Windows v1.5.634 (64bit) - MacOS v1.5.634 (64bit)


Ako pridať server k obľúbeným
1. Otvor ikonku sveta.
2. Klikni "Add New"
Label: BRUT.me MURMUR Voice Chat
Port: 64738 (Default)
Username: <Tvoj nick>

Ako si zaregistrovať nick na našom serveri
1. Pripoj sa ku BRUT.me MURMUR serveru.
2. Rozbaľ "Self" menu v hlavnom Mumble menu.
3. Klikni "Register".

Ako sa pripojiť do zaheslovaného kanálu
1. Rozbaľ "Server" menu v hlavnom Mumble menu.
2. Klikni "Access Tokens", potom "Add".
3. Zadaj požadované heslo kanálu a klikni na tlačidlo "OK".

Ako vypnúť hlas Brandi
1. Rozbaľ "Configure" menu v hlavnom Mumble menu.
2. Odškrtni "Text-To-Speech".

Ako zrušiť Overlay funkciu
(Zobrazovanie zoznamu ľudí v kanáĺi počas hrania.)
1. Rozbaľ "Configure" menu v hlavnom Mumble menu.
2. Klikni "Settings", potom "Overlay".
3. Odškrtni možnosť "Enable Overlay".

How to add server to favorites
1. Open the Globe icon.
2. Click "Add New"
Label: BRUT.me MURMUR Voice Chat
Port: 64738 (Default)
Username: <Your nick>

How to register your username on our server
1. Connect to BRUT.me MURMUR server.
2. Select the "Self" menu in the main Mumble menu.
3. Click "Register" in the drop down menu.

How to join password protected channel
1. Select the "Server" menu in the main MUMBLE menu.
2. Click "Access Tokens", then "Add".
3. Type in the channel password and click the "OK" button to finish.

How to disable the Brandi voice
1. Select the "Configure" menu in the main MUMBLE menu.
2. Uncheck "Text-To-Speech".

How to disable the overlay function
(Displaying the list of connected user in the channel during playing)
1. Select the "Configure" menu in the main MUMBLE menu.
2. Click on "Settings", then "Overlay".
3. Uncheck the "Enable Overlay" option.
:!: Inside the Brut, RESPECT is everything! :!:

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