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Absolute Redemption Info & Download

FPS /Alternative Half-Life Sequel - Gordon Freeman/, Singleplayer/Multiplayer, Maverick Developments, November 1, 2000
FPS /Alternative Half-Life Sequel - Gordon Freeman/, Singleplayer/Multiplayer, Maverick Developments, November 1, 2000

Absolute Redemption Info & Download

Postby Brut » 29 Oct 2013, 15:15



--- sk ---
Alternatívne pokračovanie príbehu Half-Life od nezávislého anglického štúdia Maverick Developments. Po udalostiach, vyrozprávaných v príbehu Half-Life prijme hráč (v role Gordona Freemana) novú ponuku práce od G-Mana, tajomného muža s kufríkom. Hra zavedie hráča na tri rozdielne miesta. Obsahuje hru pre jedného hráča a hru pre viacerých hráčov s jednou mapou (de_temple - mapa bola pridaná aj na BRUT.me Half-Life Deathmatch & Teamplay servery).

--- en ---
Alternate sequel to the Half-Life story from independent english studio Maverick Developments. After the events in Half-Life, the player (in role of Gordon Freeman) accepts new employment from G-Man, the mysterious man with the briefcase. The game leads the player to three various places. The game contains singleplayer and multiplayer with one map (de_temple - this map was added to BRUT.me Half-Life DeathMatch & TeamPlay servers).


--- en ---
It was written in the ancient scrolls of Xian that, during the last Crelat of Xen time, a portal would be opened between two universes and a being would cross the void and cause the second re-birth of Nihilanth, and all Xen would be drained of their lifeblood, their knowledge. And that, in this time, the Xen race would be oppressed by the armies from the far side of the portal.

It was also written that once the portal was opened, a human known as “Freeman” would cross the galactic transverse into Xen space, and set free the three sacred Telnorps, the guardians of the gate who had been captured from the ancient enemies of the Xen, the Zan from the Theldran galaxy.

And so it was that the prophecy came to pass, and the weakened Xen were powerless to resist an onslaught from the Zan. In the dawn of the first Ashaan of Xen time, the elders of the high council sanctioned an uneasy alliance with the perpetrators of the impending disaster, the Human race, in order to restore the sacred telnorps, and thus sealing the Zan gateway… forever.

The ambassador of the Alien Investigation Unit on earth was called upon to “redeem” the situation by employing the use of the very individual who had inadvertently caused the situation…




Redemption vs. Absolute Redemption
History of Redemption in video description + Links to original 1999 MOD
Watch on youtube.com

Download Stuff /Local FTP/:
Name: gamesftp
Password: brut.me

Absolute Redemption High Definition Pack
:!: Inside the Brut, RESPECT is everything! :!:

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Absolute Redemption Download

Postby Googlebot » 11 Nov 2015, 12:35

*the newest version of Absolute Redemption (2.3) is included in our BRUT.me Half-Life Pack

DOWNLOAD BRUT.me Half-Life Pack v2.0Beta4

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