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Robin Hood Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11 Support

Real Time Tactic Game (RTTG), Singleplayer, Strategy First - Spellbound Studios, November 12, 2002
Real Time Tactic Game (RTTG), Singleplayer, Strategy First - Spellbound Studios, November 12, 2002

Robin Hood Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11 Support

Postby Brut » 18 Jun 2015, 13:19

* Posledná GOG Verzia funguje bez problémov na väčšine zariadení so systémom Windows 8 a 10, v prípade problémov použite staršiu verziu hry a starší návod nižšie.
* The last GOG Version is working well on most devices with Windows 8 & 10 system, in case of problems use older version of the game and older version of instructions below.

Starší spôsob spustenia hry na novších Windows / Older instructions of running the game on newer Windows system

Najfunkčnejší spôsob / Most functional way

Nainštaluj si DXGL, spusti Configure DXGL a tam pridaj Application Game.exe (z phlavného adersára hry Robin Hood). Nastavenia stačí nechať predvolené, len skontroluj, aby bolo v nastavení Video: Change desktop resolution.
Install DXGL, run Configure DXGL and add there Application game.exe (from the main folder of Robin Hood). Leave all settings default, just check that the option in Video: is Change desktop resolution.
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