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Trillian Astra 4

Informatics (IT)

Trillian Astra 4

Postby saradsmejem » 24 Feb 2023, 16:14


Trilian Astra is a multiprotocol and multifunctional communication program. It's version 4 was the first to introduce Astra network and modern changes.

These communication protocols are working: IRC, XMPP (Jabber, Astra does NOT support OMEMO encryption), Mail (POP3/IMAP), RSS Feed (Good News) and other working plugins: Action Pack, Do Me!, Far Away, Trillian OTR, TrilliWamp & Universal File Sharing.
The Trillian Astra 4 network is not working anymore, so most function of it and of the Astra profile are not accessible, You can change the name and icon. No Trillian Mini, no Basic information, no My web services & no Widgets and functional Walls.

These plugins are outdated and not working correctly: AIM/ICQ, Bonjour, Facebook, MySpaceIM, Skype, Twitter, Windows Live Messenger & Yahoo Messenger. You can safely delete them.
The biggest issue is, that a bug prevents IRC plugin to add IRC users to contact list, the other one with this plugin is, that after Standby / Hibernation, it won't connect automatically again, the Astra status show partially connected and You have to reconnect manually.
Google disabled the function to allow less-secure programs to be used (LINK), thus Trillian is unable to connect with Mail plugin (POP3/IMAP) to gmail.com.

Tips & Tricks
* Each connection (icon') when rightclicking has the option to display the Status window, in the lower right corner it shows the amount of time, You had been online at this connection and the amount of bytes sent (may not be visible on every skin).

*There are special smilies, that are not in the programs visible smilies list:

DOWNLOAD Trillian Astra 4.0.104 (the last Trillian Astra clean OFFLINE version available (Trillian Astra 4.0 build 104 from 21.4.2009)
(25.19 MiB) Downloaded 96 times
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