FPS /Counter-Terrorist - Terrorist/, Singleplayer/Multiplayer, Valve Corporation - Gearbox Software - Ritual Entertainment - Turtle Rock Studios, March 23, 2004
FPS /Counter-Terrorist - Terrorist/, Singleplayer/Multiplayer, Valve Corporation - Gearbox Software - Ritual Entertainment - Turtle Rock Studios, March 23, 2004
by Brut » 13 May 2013, 13:32
Info --- sk --- Counter Strike: Condition Zero je doladená a rozšírená a verzia Counter Strike 1.6 s vylepšenou grafikou a integrovanými botmi, bez príbehu, len ako hra pre viacerých hráčov.
Counter Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes je hra pre jedného hráča, ktorá pozostáva z 18-tich rúznych, na seba nenadväzujúcich misií a je kompletne postavená na Counter Strike: Condition Zero.
--- en --- Counter Strike: Condition Zero is tweaked and enhanced version of Counter Strike 1.6 with better graphics and integrated bots, without story, only as a multiplayer game.
Counter Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes is a singleplayer game, that contains 18 various, not connected missions and is completely build on Counter Strike: Condition Zero.
WIKIPEDIA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Condition_Zero //en//
http://counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/Counter-Strike //en//
http://counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Condition_Zero_Deleted_Scenes //en//
ABCgames http://www.abcgames.sk/?p=hry_zobraz&id=5745 Download Stuff /Local FTP/ Name: gamesftp
Password: brut.me
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