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Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit MODERN Patch + FULL DOWNLOAD

Racing Arcade Simulator, Singleplayer/Splitscreen/Multiplayer, EA Seattle, September 30, 1998
Racing Arcade Simulator, Singleplayer/Splitscreen/Multiplayer, EA Seattle, September 30, 1998

Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit MODERN Patch + FULL DOWNLOAD

Postby Brut » 14 Jun 2015, 12:11

Postup inštalácie Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit s Modern Patchom - The best way how to install Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit with Modern Patch

Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit MODERN Patch je fanúšikovský patch od programátora VEG -a. Patch prináša kvantum vylepšení a opráv chýb, najpodstatnejšie sú:
- hra nepoužíva registre windows a všetko ukladá do súborov v priečinku s hrou a preto sa dajú nastavenia ľahšie menit a hra je prenosná (portable)
- hra beží aj na nových operačných systémoch v rôznych typoch grafického zobrazenie (mení sa v .ini súbore) a takisto je plne kompatibilná s emulátorom nGlide
- hra podporuje full HD rozlíšenie a aj širokouhlý mód
- do hry boli pridané všetky oficiálne vydané autá z austrálskej a wall-martovej verzie a aj web stránky
- povolené mercedesy a ferrary v Hot Pursuit móde (licenčné podmienky)
- oprava rôznych bugov (miznutia spätných zrkadielok, netočiace sa kolesá... ), vylepšená grafika, optimalizácia kódu

Patch je distribuovaný samostatne ako samostatný zip súbor, pre tých, ktorí už majú hru nainštalovanú, stačí ho len nakopírovat do priečinka s hrou. Tiež sa dá stiahnuť aj torrent celej hry s aplikovaným moderným patchom odľahčenej o staré a nepotrebné súbory. Viac informácií nájdeš v readme.

Viac Informácií
Webová stránka: http://veg.by/en/projects/nfs3/

* Ďalsí nadšenec Keiiko vytvoril prehľadný konfigurátor pre menenie nastavení pre patch 1.6.1, stiahni si ho tu:

Priamy DOWNLOAD Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit Modern Patch
Iba Patch v1.6.1
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Patch Beta (Momentálny stav)
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Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit NextGen Patch (Modern Patch 1.6 Integrated)
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[b]Plná hra Need for Speed II Hot Pursuit Modern Bundle s aplikovaným MODERN Patchom 1.5.3 (torrent)
/v1.6.1 stiahni osobitne z odkazu vyššie
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Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit MODERN Patch is a fanpatch from a coder named VEG. The patch brings a lot of improvements and fixes, the most important are:
- the game doesn't use windows registry, everything is stored in files within the game directory, thus the settings are easier to edit and the game is portable
- the game runs on new operating systems with various types of graphic rendering (changeable in .ini file) and is fully compatible with nGlide emulator
- the game supports full HR resolution, widescreen
- all officially released cars from australian, wall-mart editions and from the web site have been added into the game
- all mercedes and ferrari cars are now enabled in Hot Pursuit mode (licensing conditions)
- various bugs fixes (backmirrors missing, the wheels not spinning... ), graphic improvements, code optimalisation

The Patch is distributed as standalone zip file, for those who have the game installed, just copy the files into the game directory. You can download torrent of the full game with modern patch applied, the game is even lightened from old and unused files. You can find more information in the readme.

More information
Webpage: http://veg.by/en/projects/nfs3/

* Another fan Keiiko created a simple setup program for changing settings for the patch 1.6.1, download it here:

Direct DOWNLOAD Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit Modern Patch
Patch v1.6.1 only:
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Patch Beta (Current status)
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Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit NextGen Patch (Modern Patch 1.6 Integrated)
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[b]Full game Need for Speed II Hot Pursuit Modern Bundle with MODERN Patch 1.5.3 (torrent)
/v1.6.1 Patch download separately from the link above
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