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How to INSTALL & RUN Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit

Racing Arcade Simulator, Singleplayer/Splitscreen/Multiplayer, EA Seattle, September 30, 1998
Racing Arcade Simulator, Singleplayer/Splitscreen/Multiplayer, EA Seattle, September 30, 1998

How to INSTALL & RUN Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit

Postby Brut » 04 Apr 2014, 01:47


Informácie o Modern Patchi - Modern Patch Info

Ako najjednoduchšie nainštalovať Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit aj s Modern Patchom (aj s bonusovými autami a hrateľnými autami z premávky) a silnejšími policajtami

1. Stiahni Need for Speed III torrent s predinštalovaným Modern Patchom v 1.5.3 a skopíruj obsah zipu do vybraného adresára.
2. Stiahni a nainštaluj NextGen Patch.
3. Stiahni a nakopíruj najnovšiu verziu Modern Patchu v1.6.2 Beta
4. Stiahni vylepšený program pre nastavenia.
5. Stiahni vylepšené autá policajtov Diablo SV a nahraď nimi pôvodné policajné autá (gamedata\carmodel\traffic\pursuit - môžeš si vybrať či chceš nahradiť všetky modely policajných áut alebo iba niektoré). /Voliteľné

The simplest way how to install Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit with Modern Patch (with bonus cars and playable traffic cars) and stronger police cars

1. Download Need for Speed III torrent with preinstalled Modern Patchom v 1.5.3 and copy the content of the zip into the selected folder.
2. Download and install NextGen Patch.
3. Download and copy newest version of Modern Patchu v1.6.2 Beta
4. Download enhanced settings program.
5. Download enhanced police cars Diablo SV and replace original cars (gamedata\carmodel\traffic\pursuit - You can choose to replace all or just some of the police cars). /Optional


Windows 98
You should be fine installing it with default autorun and install program. The best is to install the full install. If You have older computer with Voodoo or Voodoo2 Graphic Card, just run the game and choose what graphic mode u want (even 3dfx), if You have other card, u can play only using Software and D3D (nGLide is not working on Windows 98), if it supports and handles D3D in playable fps (minimum of 30 is suggested in this game). Don't forget to setup the in game Graphic Settings. For a noCD patch, ferrari & mercedes in hot pursuit enabler, more official cars and other mods and files to download, check our ftp.

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 x64 (64 bit)
Problems with installation could be easy resolved using this installer:
(692.38 KiB) Downloaded 360 times

Windows XP
Installing the game should work fine, choose the full install. If You want to run the game in 3dfx, follow the Intsall steps for Windows 7 & 8 beginning from the Step 3. In case of Setup problems (never happened on XP, but You never know) follow the whole Instructions for Windows 7 & 8. Jump over the 5th Step! Do NOT use the Compatibility .sdb file in WIndows XP!

Windows Vista
If You have problems with installing NFS3HP on Windows Vista, use this Vista installer. nGlide doesn't support Windows Vista, so You can run the game in Software or Direct3D mod. Don't forget to setup the in game Graphic Settings.
(4.33 MiB) Downloaded 157 times

Windows 7 & 8
If You aren't able to install the game directly, follow these steps:

1. From Your NFS3 CD, copy the following folders and files into a folder inside Your games folder, for example "D:\Games\NFS3" or whatever Games is translated in Your language :):

(the files & folders with * are not necessary, they are files for basic graphic modes - d3d, software, most of plaers will choose 3dfx, because it looks the best)

2. Download the install file install.win and copy it into Your game folder (in our case NFS3).
(576 Bytes) Downloaded 222 times

2a. If You want to play the game in Software or Direct3D mode, run 3dSetup.exe (if it isn't working try 3DSetupm.exe) from [3DSETUP] folder and choose the mode. Make sure, all files marked * in 1st step of this tutorial are present on HDD. If You are NOT satisfied with these graphics and want to run it using 3dfx mode (with the best graphics), proceed to the next steps.

3. Download & install nGlide, You can leave the default configuration (You can increase the resulotion, but if You choose widescreen the game will be widespreaded or outstretched with another word, so the best is to use 4:3 Resolutions. The in game Widescreen setting doesn't support them too, only adds black stripes to 4:3 and adjusts the view a little bit).

4. Run the Game with -voodoo parameter. If Black Screen occurs (mostly AMD Graphics Cards), try the -voodoo2 parameter. One of these parameters should work. Or use the appropriate one of these bat files, just place them in Your NFS3 directory and double click.
(16 Bytes) Downloaded 134 times
(16 Bytes) Downloaded 160 times

For using with Voodoo2, download the registry file nfs3.reg and the official nGlide moded VOODOO2A.DLL AS A ZIP FILE FROM HERE. Double click on the nfs3.reg, add the info to registry and replace the original VOODOO2A.DLL with the moded one from the package. The original .dll doesn't look as great as Voodoo, in fact it is more like D3D and the moded looks the best!
!!!It seems, that in most cases, with using .reg file for voodoo2, You don't need to use the parameter -voodoo2, and are able to run the game only by doubleclicking on nfs.exe !!!

5. If the game freezes with both parameters in Windows7 & 8 (sometimes with the music still playing) apply compatibility patch using .sdb file (Aplication Compatibility Database File). Use this moded .sdb file made by ChronoDog. Just save it to the HDD and run sdbinst nfs3.sdb in an elevated command prompt:
(866 Bytes) Downloaded 125 times

Or the .sdb from official nGlide Support package for Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit:
Download it here.
Put it into the game foldder (in our case NFS3) and install with provided auto .bat file (there is a auto .bat file for uninstall too), or the same way as above.

!!!Don't apply the .sdb file, when the game runs fine!!!

6. And if there are still some problems with running the game, You can try other Graphic patches, that You can find on BRUT.me ftp. Not tested very much (in fact mostly didn't run well), because on all machines, where NFS3HP was installed by Brut, it run fine without them, but in case, maybe they will help someone, kind of last hope :D.

!!!Don't forget to setup the in game Graphic Settings.!!!

7. You will need the CD or image mounted in virtual CD Rom, o run the game. For a noCD patch, ferrari & mercedes in hot pursuit enabler, more official cars and other mods and files to download, check our ftp.

PS: This instructions work for Demo of Need for Speed too, but for 3dfx use files from THIS .zip FILE.

How the game looks using 3dfx (the video is played in widescreen resolution without Modern Patch, this is the reason why it is stretched to the sides)
Watch on youtube.com

DOWNLOAD Stuff /Local ftp/
Name: gamesftp
Password: brut.me

//v prípade, že ftp píše error, klikni tu//
//in case of ftp error, click here//

CD Cover
Official Addon Cars
Tracks from Unofficial Expansion Pack
Patches - noCD, Ferrari & Mercedes Hot Pursuit Enabler, NfS3 Manager, Light On Day Mod, Scene Selector, Nvidia Graphic Patches
Vista install
Info, Cheats, Manual
:!: Inside the Brut, RESPECT is everything! :!:

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