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Wanted! Info & Download

FPS /Western Story/, Singleplayer/Multiplayer, Maverick Developments, June 4, 2001
FPS /Western Story/, Singleplayer/Multiplayer, Maverick Developments, June 4, 2001

Sekcia fóra venovaná hre Wanted!, ak chceš navštíviť sekciu nášho Wanted! ONLINE Herného serveru klikni TU.
Section of forum dedicated to the game Wanted!, if You want to visit our Wanted! ONLINE Gameserver section click HERE.

Wanted! Info & Download

Postby Brut » 17 Mar 2013, 00:54



--- sk ---
Wanted! je modifikácia hry Half-Life, vytvorená štúdiom Maverick Developments vo Veľkej Británii. Obsahuje hru pre jedného hráča aj hru pre viacerých hráčov.

Hra je situovaná do čias amerického Divokéhu Západu. Dovedie Vás ku horským Indiánom, mexickým dedinčanom či Americkým starousadlíkom.

--- en ---
WANTED! is a total conversion of Valve Software’s Half-Life produced by Maverick Developments in the United Kingdom. Wanted! is a single player and a multi player game.

The theme of Wanted! is set in the American Wild West. It spans the Mountain Indian, Mexican villas and the Western town appearance.

Wanted! is not designed to be representative of any specific period of the American Wild West. It is designed to be a fun gaming experience in the style of the West in its total era.

  • 4 different settings to explore: Mountain, Mexican, Town, Mine
  • 4 different races to battle: Indian, Mexican, Cowboy & Miner.
  • Various animals such as snakes, bears, pumas and scorpions
  • 15 dedicated Deathmatch levels
  • 5 Special “Capture the Chicken” levels
  • 4 Special “High Noon” levels (Duel Mode)
  • 13 period player weapons
  • Period pick-up items and theme setting models
  • Atmospheric sounds
  • “Cow-Bots” (providing computer opponents)
  • Over 500 appealing period style textures

Download Wanted!

Najnovšia verzia Wanted! (v 1.8) je dostupná v BRUT.me Half-Life Packu
The newest Wanted! version (v 1.8) is available in BRUT.me Half-Life Pack
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Wanted! Download

Postby Googlebot » 11 Nov 2015, 12:33

*the newest version of Wanted! (1.8) is included in our BRUT.me Half-Life Pack

DOWNLOAD BRUT.me Half-Life Pack v2.0Beta4

BRUT.me Half-Life Pack v2.0Beta4 Mirror
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