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Ako napísať žiadosť o UNBAN / How to write UNBAN request

UNBAN Requests

Ako napísať žiadosť o UNBAN / How to write UNBAN request

Postby Brut » 12 Jun 2013, 04:11


0. Tému založ v tejto sekcii - Žiadosti o Unban - http://BRUT.me/viewforum.php?f=22 /
1. Názov Témy: "Názov Servera"/"Tvoj nick"/"Nick admina, ktorý dal ban"
(Pre názov servera použi skrátený názov: BRUT.me Half-Life DeathMatch REAL - HLDM, BRUT.me Half-Life TeamPlay REAL - HLTP, BRUT.me Opposing Force DeathMatch REAL - OP4DM , BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 CLASSIC - CS16, BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 GUNGAME - CSGG, BRUT.me Wanted! DeathMatch REAL - WDM, BRUT.me Sven Co-Op 4.8 CLASSIC - SCOOP)
2. Výpis z konzoly
(Výpis nájdeš v konzole potom, čo Vás zo servera vykopne. Konzolu otvoríš tlačidlom "~" , ktoré sa nachádza pod ESC).
3. Trackback
(internetový odkaz na ukážku Tvojho banu v banliste, po kliknutí na Zobraziť detaily).
4. Objasnenie situácie, Tvoj pohľad na vec - stručne, jasne, bez zbytočného provokovania, urážania či vulgarizmov.
(Nevhodné správanie môže mať za následok pravý opak a to predĺženie banu resp. ban aj na web či ostatné služby Brutu)
5. V prípade ScreenBanu (ssban) pripojiť vytvorené screenshoty z hry ako prílohu.
(ScreenBan sa dáva pri sporných hráčov, kedy je ťažké určiť, či hráč podvádza alebo nie. Hra vytvorí 5 screenshotoc v priečinku módu, ktorý práve hraješ, tj. Half-Life - valve, Opposing Force - gearbox, Counter Strike 1.6 - cstrike, Wanted! - wantedsp, s názvami "menomapynaktorejsidostalbanaporadovéčísloscreenshotu.bmp", napr. de_dust20001.bmp, de_dust20002.bmp, de_dust20003.bmp, tie aktuálne majú logicky najvyššie poradové číslo. Tieto screeny je zakázané akokolvek upravovať!)
6. Počkať na vyjadrenie dotyčného admina, prípadne hlavného admina (Bruta).

Na našich serveroch nie je zatiaľ spojazdnené HLTV, takže admin je povinný točiť demá pri trvalých (permanentných) banoch a takisto točiť demá alebo robiť screenshoty pri sporných situáciách a dôkazy uchovávať na hard disku minimálne 1 mesiac.

Nespamuj zbytočne cudzie témy žiadostí o UNBAN, vyjadruje sa hlavne admin, čo dal ban!


Názov Témy: HLDM/Neznamy_Hrac/Brut

[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin Brut.
[AMXBans] You are permanently banned.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname: Neznamy_Hrac
[AMXBans] Reason: 'Cheating'
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ http://BRUT.me
[AMXBans] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:XXX'
[AMXBans] Your IP: ''
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check your console...

Trackback: http://BRUT.me/amxbans/ban_list.php?bid=90

Prosím o preverenie tohto banu a uploadnutiu dema dotyčným adminom, keďže som si nie vedomý, že by som cheatoval...

Za skoré vyriešenie Vám vopred ďakujem

s pozdravom Neznámy Hráč

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //english

0. Create the Topic in this section - Žiadosti o Unban - http://BRUT.me/viewforum.php?f=22 /
1. Name of the Topic: "Name of the Server"/"Your nickname"/"Nick of the admina, who banned You"
(For the Name of the Server use a short name: BRUT.me Half-Life DeathMatch REAL - HLDM, BRUT.me Half-Life TeamPlay REAL - HLTP, BRUT.me Opposing Force DeathMatch REAL - OP4DM , BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 CLASSIC - CS16, BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 GUNGAME - CSGG, BRUT.me Wanted! DeathMatch REAL - WDM, BRUT.me Sven Co-Op 4.8 CLASSIC - SCOOP)
2. Listing info from console
(You can find the list in the console, after You have been kicked from the server. Open the console with the keyboard key "~" , it is under the key ESC).
3. Trackback
(internet link of Your ban in banlist, after klicking View details).
4. Clarifying the situation, Your point of view - brief, clear, without unnecessary provoking, offending or swearing.
(Inappropriate behaviour can cause the opposite, prolongation of the banu resp. ban on web or other services of Brut)
5. In case of ScreenBan (ssban), attach created screenshots from the game as an attachment.
(ScreenBan is used at controversial players where is hard to say exactly if he cheats or not. The game creates 5 screenshots in the mod folder, that You are playing, fe. Half-Life - valve, Opposing Force - gearbox, Counter Strike 1.6 - cstrike, Wanted! - wantedsp, with names "nameofthemapyougotbannedandscreenshotnumber.bmp", for example. de_dust20001.bmp, de_dust20002.bmp, de_dust20003.bmp, the last created has logically the highest number. It is strictly forbidden to edit the files in any way!)
6. Waiting for the statement of the involved admin, or main admin (Brut).

HLTV isn't running at our servers, the admin has to record a demo when giving permanent ban, or/and record demos or making screenshots when questionable situations occur and has to store it for at least 1 month.

Do not unnecessary spam other topics with unban requests, the admin who gave the ban has to communicate at first!


Topic name: HLDM/Neznamy_Hrac/Brut

[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin Brut.
[AMXBans] You are permanently banned.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname: Neznamy_Hrac
[AMXBans] Reason: 'Cheating'
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ http://BRUT.me
[AMXBans] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:XXX'
[AMXBans] Your IP: ''
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check your console...

Trackback: http://BRUT.me/amxbans/ban_list.php?bid=90

The admin is wrong, I was not cheating, please watch the demo and see where is the truth...

thank You in advance

greetings Neznámy Hráč
:!: Inside the Brut, RESPECT is everything! :!:

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