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Ako napísať Hlásenie / How to write Report

Complains & Reports

Ako napísať Hlásenie / How to write Report

Postby Brut » 07 Sep 2017, 09:29

Ako napísať Sťažnosť a Hlásenie / How to write Complain & Report


1. Názov Témy: "Názov Servera"/"Nick Hráča"/"Prehrešok"
(Pre názov servera použi skrátený názov: BRUT.me Half-Life DeathMatch REAL - HLDM, BRUT.me Half-Life TeamPlay REAL - HLTP, BRUT.me Opposing Force DeathMatch REAL - OP4DM , BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 CLASSIC - CS16, BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 GUNGAME - CSGG, BRUT.me Wanted! DeathMatch REAL - WDM, BRUT.me Sven Co-Op 4.8 CLASSIC - SCOOP)
2.Nick, STEAM ID a ČAS, kedy dotyčný hráč hral.
3. Opis situácie, Tvoj pohľad na vec - stručne, jasne, bez zbytočného provokovania, urážania či vulgarizmov.
4. Dôkazy
Ako dôkaz možno použiť demo a screenshoty. Výpis z konzoly dodaj kôli dôveryhodnosti tiež ako screenshoty. V prípade dema s Cheatingom nám veľmi pomôžeš ako to demo vyčasuješ a usvedčujúce časy napíšeš do popisu priloženého súboru.
Súbor pridáš tak, že pri pisaní Témy klikneš dole na Pripojiť prílohu - Browse - Pridať súbor a potom ešte Vložiť do riadka.


Názov Témy: HLDM/Neznamy_Hrac/Wallhack

Nick: Neznamy_Hrac
SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:XXX'
Cas: Dnes o osmej rano

Hrac mal wallhack! Ani ho neskryval.
2:05, 2:33, 3:13
(5.13 KiB) Downloaded 138 times

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //english

1. Name of the Topic: "Name of the Server"/"Players Nickname"/"Aberrance"
(For the Name of the Server use a short name: BRUT.me Half-Life DeathMatch REAL - HLDM, BRUT.me Half-Life TeamPlay REAL - HLTP, BRUT.me Opposing Force DeathMatch REAL - OP4DM , BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 CLASSIC - CS16, BRUT.me Counter-Strike 1.6 GUNGAME - CSGG, BRUT.me Wanted! DeathMatch REAL - WDM, BRUT.me Sven Co-Op 4.8 CLASSIC - SCOOP)
2.Nickname, STEAM ID & approximate time, when the player played
3. Description of the situation. Your point of view - brief, clear, without unnecessary provoking, offending or swearing.
4. Proofs
You can use demo and screenshots as a proof. For a higher level of credibility provide the Listing info from console as a screenshot too. In case of a demo with Cheating, You will help us a lot when u conjugate the demo and write the damning times into the comment of the uploaded attachment (Our Kadets have to add at least times of 3 situations when Cheating).
You wild add the file while writing the Topic, clicking below on Upload attachment - Browse - Add the file - and than click Place inline.


Name of the Topic: HLDM/Neznamy_Hrac/Wallhack

Nick: Neznamy_Hrac
SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:XXX'
Time: 8am

The player played with Wallhack. He did not even try to hide it!
2:05, 2:33, 3:13
(5.13 KiB) Downloaded 138 times
:!: Inside the Brut, RESPECT is everything! :!:

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*********************************** If You find here any bad link, factual, ortographic or grammar mistake, wrong, incomplete or missing information or want to express Your constructive criticism, do not hesitate to contact me. You can make this site better too. ***********************************
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