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Search found 48 matches: Chat

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Diablo II LoD Patch 1.06 - 1.12 Changelog LIST

... 1.11b -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: - Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when you return to chat after playing a game on Battle.net. - Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when the runeword "Peace" was equipped on a hireling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
by saradsmejem
18 Jul 2024, 08:52
Forum: Diablo II, Lord Of Destruction
Topic: Diablo II LoD Patch 1.06 - 1.12 Changelog LIST
Replies: 0
Views: 3431

GTA San Andreas Controls

Tab - View Players list.
V - Change the distance between camera and player.
F3 - Display extended Info about the Game.
F8 - Take Screenshot.
T - Chat (disabled on our server).
by Brut
20 Apr 2024, 18:14
Forum: Manuál SA-MP Hráča
Topic: GTA San Andreas Controls
Replies: 0
Views: 10469

ZOMBIE SURVIVAL Príkazy / Commands

... - turn off ambient music /firstperson - first person view /ask - Use this when you need help /r - send a radio message /o /ooc - Global Chat (needs radio device) /me - self expression command /shout - yell to a person close to You /local - local chat /pm - Private message someone /blockpm ...
by Brut
20 Apr 2024, 16:24
Forum: Manuál SA-MP Hráča
Topic: ZOMBIE SURVIVAL Príkazy / Commands
Replies: 1
Views: 2823

SA-MP Príkazy / Commands

... information is saved such as class and weapons. /interior Partly as important as /save, this command simply displays your current interior in chat. /fpslimit This command sets the limit of FPS (Frames Per Second) for your game. The higher the limit the smoother your game is. Has no effect ...
by Brut
05 Apr 2024, 22:41
Forum: Manuál SA-MP Hráča
Topic: SA-MP Príkazy / Commands
Replies: 1
Views: 3643

AI Boti / AI Bots

Tu nájdeš odkazy na rôznych AI Botov / Here u can find links to various AI Bots ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/ (ChatBot) Godmode: https://godmode.space/ (Boosted ChatBot) Tome AI: https://tome.app/ (Storytelling Bot) Midjourney: https://docs.midjourney.com/ ...
by saradsmejem
08 Jun 2023, 07:28
Forum: Informatika (IT)
Topic: AI Boti / AI Bots
Replies: 0
Views: 6175

Re: Mc Pluginy

PurpleIRC je na prepojenie MC servru s nasim IRC Live Chatom, pre mňa je to esenciálny plugin na správu serverov, teda v podstate vsetky klasicke servery su na Live Chat prepojene a vies odtial , pozriet hracov aj s nimi komunikovat, ten plugin zatial ...
by saradsmejem
30 Mar 2023, 08:01
Forum: BRUT.me MineCraft ONLINE Gameserver
Topic: Mc Pluginy
Replies: 33
Views: 78246

Mc Pluginy

... RangeBan - nevím k čemu tam je, je tam i AdvancedBan, navíc essentials (podle mě zbytečný plugin) SimpleTpa dodal bych: EssentialsChat - uspořádá chat a kdyby jsme nastavili LuckPerms tak dodá prefixy v chatu TabList - k uspořádání Tabu aby každý věděl jestli daný hráč co tam hraje je normální ...
by LukyS
29 Mar 2023, 20:09
Forum: BRUT.me MineCraft ONLINE Gameserver
Topic: Mc Pluginy
Replies: 33
Views: 78246

Re: Minecraft Admin Práva

oki, vytvor temu v subfore mc serveru a napis tam ktore pluginy su podla Teba zastarale, ktore zbytocne a ake by si pridal, ten essentials chat je v com dobry? mali sme ho ale nik ho realne nepouzival, aj na ten TabList posli link
by saradsmejem
29 Mar 2023, 19:29
Forum: Žiadosti o Admin práva
Topic: Minecraft Admin Práva
Replies: 9
Views: 12949

TODO Official

... San Andreas Multiplayer Server Prekopať celý mod, vlastne ho uplne nanovo nastaviť a aj preložiť / Full remake of the mod with translation Live Chat (IRC) Vytvoriť/Upraviť návod na pripojenie pre mIRC a AndCHAT / Create/Edit manual for connecting with mIRC and AndChat Messenger (JABBER) Fixnúť ...
by Brut
03 Aug 2022, 13:38
Forum: BRUT.me Portal
Topic: TODO Official
Replies: 0
Views: 17895


LIVE CHAT (IRC) INFO: irc.BRUT.me COMMANDS: http://brut.me/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=1239 QUICK CONNECT: livechat.BRUT.me mIRC (WINDOWS PROGRAM): http://brut.me/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=529&p=1678#p1678 AndCHAT (ANDROID ...
by Brut
21 Jul 2022, 11:43
Forum: BRUT.me Portal
Replies: 0
Views: 27670

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